What is the School to Work Transition Tool and how can I use it?

The School to Work Transition Tool allows you to research programs and areas of postsecondary education and to get data on employment prospects and career outlooks in various fields.  


With the School to Work Transition Tool you can explore over 100 fields of study. You can then:

  • Compare programs based on how graduates are doing professionally.
  • See employment rates by field and level of study.
  • Find out where educational programs are offered in Canada.

To use the tool, follow these steps:

    1. Go to the page School to Work Transition Tool.
    2. Enter a field of study in the "Education program" search bar and select it from the list in the dropdown menu.
    3. Choose a level of education from the options displayed and click on "Search". 


Tip: Many graduates have more than one postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree. In the tool, the information is presented based on the highest credential held by graduates. For example, to get an idea of how Bachelor's students do when they get a Master's degree, you would select the "Master's" option.


Note: The data presented by the School to Work Transition Tool is based on Statistics Canada’s Census 2021 and is updated as new data becomes available.

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