How does the "Summary of current matches" section under "Matches and reports" work?

When you advertise job postings on Job Bank, you are automatically matched with job seekers who have work experience, skills or education that meet your job requirements. These match results are listed in different sections under "Matches and reports". Here’s how the "Summary of current matches" section works:


Summary of current matches

This section shows the total amount of job matches you have in real time. The results can change quickly because a match is attempted each time your job posting is modified or a job seeker’s profile is created, modified or activated.


The matches table classifies matches results by their time of occurrence and their match score. Here’s what each column represents:

  • Match score – The match score shows how closely a job seeker’s profile matches your job posting’s requirements. It is displayed as a percentage and a star rating. A 5-star match means most job requirements are met, while a 1-star match means very few requirements are met. The more requirements a job seeker meets, the higher the score will be. Note: If you are not satisfied with your Job Match results, consider making some changes to your job posting to get better matches.
  • First 30 Days – This column lists matches that occur in the first 30 days after a job is posted. A new job posting can be advertised for up to 30 days. If the position isn’t filled, the posting can be extended for up to three more 30-day periods, for a total of 120 days.
  • 31+ Days - Canadian – This column shows matches with Canadian citizens or permanent resident candidates. If a job is posted for more than 30 days, the numbers in this column may increase because a longer posting period can lead to more matches.
  • 31+ Days - Express Entry candidates – This column shows matches with profiles of foreign job seekers in the Express Entry program. If a job is posted for more than 30 days, the numbers in this column may increase because a longer posting period can lead to more matches.

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