- What is a Business Profile and how do I create one?
The Business Profile is a feature that allows you to highlight the positive aspects of working at the company such as accommodations, amenities, green initiatives, learning opportunities, and support available for employees. With the business profile, you can promote the business and increase the interest of potential applicants.
To create a business profile, follow ...
- How do I deactivate my Business Profile?
You can deactivate your business profile at any time. Simply follow these steps:
Sign in to Job Bank for Employers. Click on "Employer file" from the left-hand menu on your Dashboard. Click on the "Business profile" tab. If you manage more than one employer file, click on "View business profile" under the column ...
- Who can see my Business Profile?
Your business profile is only visible on Job Bank’s website, and is not displayed on our external partners’ sites.
Once it is activated, your business profile will become visible to all job seekers on Job Bank. They will be able to access it through your job postings.
Job seekers do not need to ...
- How do I edit my Business Profile?
You can edit your business profile at any time. Simply follow these steps:
Sign in to Job Bank for Employers. Click on "Employer file" from the left-hand menu on your Dashboard. Click on the "Business profile" tab. If you manage more than one employer file, click on "View business profile" under the ...
- I want to post a job. How do I register an employer?
To register an employer on Job Bank, follow these steps:
Step 1: Create your user account
Before registering an employer, you must first create your own user account on Job Bank for Employers.
Step 2: Register an employer
Log in to Job Bank for Employers.
Go to "Employer files" in the menu on your Dashboard.
Click on "Register a ...
- How do I change information in my employer file?
Here’s how you can change the information registered in your employer file:
Log into Job Bank for Employers.
Click on "Employer files" from the left-hand menu on your Dashboard.
Select the employer file you want to modify.
Select the appropriate tab to change, add or modify your business information:
Business profile
5. Click on "Save".
Please note that ...
- How do I add someone to an employer file?
Before adding a new user to an employer file, you have to make sure that:
You are either the Primary officer or an Administrator on the file.
The person you want to add on the employer file has an employer user account on Job Bank.
You have the email address of the person’s Job ...
- Why has my employer file not been approved?
Employer files can take up to 5 business days to be processed by a Job Bank officer. All files are treated on a first-come first-served basis. To ensure a quick approval process, verify that the information you enter in your employer file matches the business’ information registered with the Canada Revenue ...
- I’m receiving an error message when adding a new user on file. What should I do?
If you are receiving an error message when adding a new user onto the employer file, here’s what you can do:
Check if the error comes from missing information in other tabs, the disclaimer that appears at the top of the page would describe where it comes from.
Double-check the spelling of the ...
- I forgot the login information of my user account and I want to register a new employer file. Can I create a new user account?
No. If you already have a Job Bank user account, you cannot create another one to register a new employer. Job Bank only allows you to create a user account once. This account can be linked to multiple employers. A user account is different from an employer file as it contains ...
- I want to hire a caregiver for a private household. What should I do?
On Job Bank, private households are considered employers and must create an employer file with Job Bank same as other businesses. You must first register your business with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
If you already have a business, you cannot use the payroll account number for caregiving purpose. You will have ...
- I no longer work for a company and I have access to their employer file. How can I remove myself from the employer file?
Before removing yourself from a file, it is best practice to transfer the file to a colleague by adding the user to the file. If you don’t have a colleague to transfer the file to, and you are the only user on it, you can vacate the file by following these steps:
Sign ...
- How do I access my messages?
Accessing your messages on Job Bank is easy! All you need to do is:
Log in to Job Bank for Employers.
Click on "My messages" from the left-hand menu on your Dashboard.
Click on the "Inbox" tab.
Click on the message you wish to view.
After reading the message, you can click on "Close" at the ...
- The previous employee is no longer working for the company. Can I change the password and security questions of this employee’s user account?
No. It's against Job Bank's Terms of Use to access another individual's user account. A Job Bank user account contains personal information that identifies, and is associated to, one person. Once you have created your user account, make sure to protect your password and security questions, and avoid sharing your account ...
- Why do I receive messages?
You receive messages when an action is needed to move forward with the assessment of an employer file are responsible for. It’s important to follow up on these requests, submit all required documents and respond to callback requests. This will allow Job Bank to process your employer file and review the ...
- How do I submit my documents online?
When you receive document requests, you can submit the required documents online easily. To do so, follow these steps:
Sign in to Job Bank for Employers.
Click on "Employer files" from the left-hand menu on your Dashboard.
Select the employer file for which you want to submit the document.
Select the "Documents" tab from your employer ...
- How do I remove someone from an employer file?
Before removing a user from an employer file, you have to make sure that you are either the Primary officer or an Administrator on the file.
Then, you can remove another user from the employer file by following these steps:
Sign in to Job Bank for Employers.
Click on "Employer files" from the left-hand ...
- I’m receiving an error message when trying to register my payroll account number. What should I do?
Each payroll account number can only be registered once on Job Bank. If you encounter an error message stating that the payroll account number is already in use, contact the Primary Officer or an Administrator of the employer file. They can give you access to the file by adding you as a user.
If you ...
- How do I create a job posting?
To create a job posting on Job Bank you must first register the employer. Then, follow these steps:
Sign in to Job Bank for Employers.
From your Dashboard, click on "Job postings" from the left-hand menu on your Dashboard, then click on "Create a new job posting".
Select the employer and click on "Proceed to Job ...
- How do I modify or edit my job posting?
To modify or edit your job posting:
Log in to Job Bank for Employers.
Click on "Job postings" from the left-hand menu on your Dashboard.
Click on "Edit" under the "Action" column at the right of the job posting you wish to modify.
Make the necessary changes and click on "Proceed to preview".
Click on "Submit ...
- How do I extend my job posting?
A job posting can be advertised for a maximum of 30 days at a time, for up to a total of 120 days. If the position you’re hiring for is not filled, you can extend the job posting manually before it expires.
Here are some guidelines on how to extend an advertised ...
- Why does my job posting status show "Pending"?
The "pending" status means that your job posting will be reviewed by a Job Bank officer. The current service standard to advertise job postings is two business days. Once approved, the status of your job posting will change to "Advertised".
A Job Bank officer might contact you and request additional documentation to confirm ...
- I can’t find the job title that I want to display on my job posting. What should I do?
Job titles found on Job Bank are based on the National Occupational Classification (NOC) code. The NOC is a large directory that contains over 30,000 job titles.
If you are searching for a job title and cannot find what you’re looking for, try browsing by occupation. You can do so by clicking ...
- Can I write my own job description when creating my job posting?
No. You cannot write your own job description. In order to offer free, fast and bilingual services to clients, Job Bank does not allow the use of free text.
However, Job Bank makes it easy for you to create job postings by providing you with pre-defined options. If you are unable to ...
- Can I advertise self-employment opportunities?
No. Job postings for self-employment opportunities are not permitted on Job Bank, as stated in the Terms of Use. Therefore, employers who wish to post on Job Bank are expected to:
deduct income tax, Employment Insurance premiums and Canada Pension Plan contributions from the amounts they pay to their employees; and
remit these ...
- Do I have to pay to advertise my job postings on Job Bank?
No. Job Bank services are free. Job Bank users must agree to the Terms of Use before creating their user account and posting jobs.
- How do I create a student job posting?
On Job Bank, a "student job" is a type of job posting for persons who are enrolled in an education program. Student jobs should promote skill development, knowledge gain and learning.
If you want to recruit students to fill a position, you can indicate it on your job posting when you create ...
- How do I create an apprentice job posting?
On Job Bank, an "apprentice job" is a type of job posting for persons who are registered in a post-secondary training program combining on-the-job training and periods of technical training. If the position is aimed at recruiting apprentices, you can indicate it on your job posting and specify the "level of apprentice" required ...
- How do I advertise a green job posting?
On Job Bank, a green job is a position that contributes to environmental preservation, conservation, and restoration. Learn more about green jobs. Your job posting will be labelled as a green job if you either:
select a job title that is part of an occupation that includes jobs whose primary duties ...
- Why was my job posting declined?
A Job Bank officer may decline your job posting if:
The job posting is thought to be a duplicate of another job posting already advertised.
The follow-up requested by a Job Bank officer to clarify information has not been done by the user who created the job posting.
Any other reason found to be ...
- What are the rules to post on Job Bank?
Every job posting must respect Job Bank’s Terms of Use, including:
Provincial or territorial minimum wage standards must be met.
Tax deductions must be made by the employer; workers must not arrange their own contributions to such programs as income tax, the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), employment insurance (EI) and Workers’ Compensation.
There must ...
- How do I copy my job posting?
You always have the possibility to copy a job posting, no matter its status – pending approval, drafted, approved, expired, cancelled or declined. This can help you save some time and avoid having to start the job posting creation process from the beginning.
Here are some guidelines on how to copy a ...
- I work for a placement agency. How do I use Job Bank?
On Job Bank, placement agencies are considered employers when they are responsible for paying the employees they place at their clients’ premises.
If you work for a placement agency and would like to post on Job Bank, you first have to create your personal user account by signing up on Job Bank for ...
- I'm a recruiter. How do I use Job Bank?
Recruiters help employers with hiring and usually stop working with job applicants once a new employee is hired. The recruiters’ clients are employers who directly hire and pay the employees. If you are a licensed recruiter and would like to post on Job Bank, you must first create your own personal ...
- I'm an immigration consultant, lawyer, notary, or paralegal. How do I use Job Bank?
Job Bank considers immigration consultants, lawyers, notaries, and paralegals to be third-party representatives who assist employers with their job posting activities. If you are a licensed immigration consultant or a licensed lawyer, notary, or paralegal, you must have been given a legitimate authorization to represent, act and speak on behalf of ...
- I'm a friend or relative of an employer. How do I use Job Bank?
If you are a friend or relative of an employer, you must create your own personal user account before you can post jobs on Job Bank. Do not create a user account on behalf of your friend or relative.
Here’s how to create your own user account on Job Bank:
Go to Job ...
- Why are placement agencies required to provide their clients' information to Job Bank?
Job Bank is an important source of job market information as Canada’s national job posting service. This information allows Job Bank to gather complete and accurate statistics about Canada’s labour market. It is also collected to monitor compliance with Job Bank’s Terms of Use.
As a placement agency, Job Bank requires you ...
- How can I post jobs when I represent multiple employers?
You can easily link your Job Bank user account to multiple employer files. Once you register an employer, you can create a job posting for them by selecting their name while creating their job posting.
Note: If you are a third-party representative, you must create a separate employer file for each client using their payroll account ...
- Can I access my colleague's user account to post jobs?
No. It is against Job Bank's Terms of Use to access another individual's user account. A Job Bank user account includes personal information that only identifies, and is associated to, one person.
Therefore, if you would like to access an employer file to post jobs, you must first create your own personal ...
- I’m posting on behalf of my boss. Can I create a user account with my boss’ personal information?
No. It is against Job Bank's Terms of Use to create an account with someone else’s information. A Job Bank user account includes personal information that only identifies, and is associated to, one person.
If you want to post jobs on behalf of your boss, you must first create your own personal ...
- What is Job Match for employers and why should I use it?
The Job Match feature automatically matches your job postings with job seeker profiles. As an employer, Job Match allows you to view these profiles and invite candidates to apply. This feature gives you easy access to potential candidates suited to the position you are advertising.
Once your job posting is advertised, you can ...
- Who can be matched to my job postings?
Job Match is a feature available to job seekers who have a Plus account on Job Bank. Candidates with a Plus account, who meet the minimum requirements for the position, will be matched to your job posting.
For the first 30 days of the job posting’s advertisement, only Canadians and permanent and ...
- Why did my Job Match results change under my job posting?
There are a few reasons why the number of matches may have changed. The most common are:
If job seekers create or deactivate their user account, or change their profile significantly. This could result in the appearance or disappearance of the match of your job posting with these job seekers.
If you make ...
- How can I improve the Job Match results on my job posting?
Here’s what you can do to maximize relevant matches with your job posting:
Add some details to your job posting under "Step 4: Job details".
Add the educational requirements you are seeking for under "Step 5: Requirements".
Select skills that are necessary or useful for the position at "Step 5: Requirements". There are over ...
- My job posting has expired. Can I still have access to the matches?
After a job posting expires, you can still see the total job matches related to it under "Summary of current matches". No new matches will occur once the job posting expires, however, the amount of matches can still vary if job seekers that are part of the current matches deactivate or ...
- How does the "Summary of current matches" section under "Matches and reports" work?
When you advertise job postings on Job Bank, you are automatically matched with job seekers who have work experience, skills or education that meet your job requirements. These match results are listed in different sections under "Matches and reports". Here’s how the "Summary of current matches" section works:
Summary of current matches
This section ...
- How does the "Employer Activity" section under "Matches and reports" work?
When you advertise job postings on Job Bank, you are automatically matched with job seekers who have work experience, skills or education similar to your jobs’ requirements. These match results are listed in different sections under "Matches and reports". Here’s how the "Employer Activity" section works:
Employer Activity
This section tracks each action performed ...
- How does the "Job seeker Activity" section under "Matches and reports" work?
When you advertise job postings on Job Bank, you are automatically matched with job seekers who have work experience, skills or education similar to your jobs’ requirements. These match results are listed in different sections under "Matches and reports". Here’s how the "Job seeker Activity" section works:
Job seeker Activity
This section tracks actions ...
- What is a "Close-out" report and how can I complete it?
Close-out reports are short surveys that you can complete for every expired and cancelled job posting. Your answers will help us inform job seekers of job posting statuses and provide us with valuable insight into the current job market. To complete a close-out report, sign in to Job Bank for ...
- Why don’t I see any matches under my job posting?
There are a few reasons why you may not see any matches under your job posting. The most common reasons are:
The job posting is suspended. When a job is suspended, the job match information under "Matches and reports" is temporarily removed. If the job posting status is changed back to "Advertised", ...
- How do I know if the job seeker I invited through Job Match applied to my job?
Job Match is a tool that automatically matches your job postings with job seeker profiles and allows you to invite job seekers to apply for the position.
When you invite a job seeker to apply, they receive a unique code as a part of the invitation. The job seeker is encouraged to ...